Got on the donkey
The Mallorcan donkey, Ase Balear, originally descends from the Catalan donkey. Unfortunately, it is now threatened with extinction. The Ase Balear can grow up to 1.50m of shoulder height. It is slim and has an almost black coat with a white belly, eyes and nostrils.
In the past, donkeys were highly valued in Mallorca and could be sold for a very high price. In the 20th century, the Mallorcan donkey became so famous that it was exported to England and the US. However, its popularity quickly waned and it became increasingly threatened with extinction.
Since 1997, the Ase Balear has been under special protection in Spain and has been categorised as an “endangered species”. In 2002, it was registered as an official breed and received its own genealogical book.
Thanks to its docile nature and the fact that it is very well adapted to the Mallorcan soil, the Ase was mainly used to transport products and to pull small vehicles.
Mad Donkey Mallorca stands for a way of life that is typical of Mallorca.
And that's why we love our donkeys ...